Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sometimes God Uses Nails

So, last week Mark was driving from Graham to Breckenridge to meet me and some of our most awesome friends for dinner and family worship when he hit a NAIL.  The tire did not fair well.  Mark put the spare on and continued on to Breckenridge.  Normally we would just take the tire to Firestone and have it patched, but since this was our NEW car we had a warranty.   I decided to take the tire to be fixed at the dealership Arrow Ford in Abilene.

While I was waiting Tara, a high school friend of my sister,  saw me sitting in the waiting area.  She had read my blog because she is my dad's friend on Facebook.  She brought over Cynthia who had sold us the car only a month earlier, and I shared with her about Mercy Ships and the upcoming mission.  I jokingly mentioned having her buy back the car, and to my shock she said she thought the dealership might be able to do that for us.  I was surprised and didn't really think that the numbers would work out for it to make financial since to sell the car back. 

I had to come back the next morning for the tire, and the appraiser was able to look at the car and they made us an Awesome offer.  I walked out of the dealership with a check, and no more car to worry about.  God is truly Amazing!

1 comment:

  1. This testimony reminds me that His ways are not our ways... He orders our steps. I love it when we can look back on situations like this and see the Lord's providential hand!:-)
