Friday, October 25, 2013

Teaching English

This year I (Gretchen) added a new part time job to my week.  I really felt like God was asking me to spend time with patients on the ward.  

Truthfully, this made me a bit nervous.  I was so blessed by my experiences at Lazare's Orphanage in Guinea and I was worried that I would have difficulty showing the same love to the patients because I was worried that it would be difficult to look at them.  We serve a gracious and loving Father.  My first English student was Alphonse.  Before meeting him for the first time I prayed a heartfelt prayer that I would be able to see him with our Father's eyes and that he would see Christ in me.  This is Alphonse.

When I met him all I could do was smile.  We have a gracious and loving Father.  His face was wrapped in a bandage, his smile was beautiful, and his spirit was infectious.  I have been meeting with Alphonse and our time as been spent laughing and learning.  I can't remember what day his bandages came off because all I see is Alphonse, a beautiful son of God.  I am so blessed that God gave me time to see Alphonse with His eyes.  When I meet a new patient I am no longer worried.  I know God is with me and will help me see.

This is another of my sweet students.
I am teaching Alistera to read and write.  She is teaching me to giggle.  Every time I see her she has a new sticker on her bandage and her hugs are amazing.  She is beautiful!  

I am so blessed to have the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with these amazing people.   

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Special Opportunity

I have been invited by another organization, Bridge 2 Aid (, to visit their training program in Tanzania. They would like me to see how they train rural health care professionals how to remove infected teeth thereby expanding dental services to millions of rural tooth pain sufferers. I hope to make this a part of our program at mercy ships.

Even being close while serving in Congo, the cost will still be $1500-2000 for this trip, depending on flight cost. Mercy Ships is not in a position to cover this cost. I am hoping that God is able to provide for this opportunity so if you feel led to contribute, or you know someone who might, please follow the link in the upper right corner to make a tax-free donation.

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

If you have any questions or would like more information, please email me @

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

School Pictures

Living on a ship allows for some pretty cool school photos.  This is the entire Academy: nursery-12th grade and teachers.

4th grade--Jacob is growing up so fast!

2nd grade--I love Matthew's smile!

1st grade--Caleb is too CUTE! (Shhh! Don't tell him I said he was cute.)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Soccer on the Beach & Community Meeting on the Dock

Every Saturday we go to a near by beach where the 2nd-4th graders play a soccer match.

We feel so blessed that people volunteer their talents and time to help our children learn new skills.

After the game we play!
The boys are turning into real beach lovers.

I am too!

A few times during the field service we have Community Meeting on the dock with all of our Day Crew.  It is a fun evening of fellowship.  (All pictures were taken by my awesome friend Shelly!)