Thursday, May 2, 2013

Impossible Prayers

A few weeks ago, we read the story of the feeding of the 5,000 in The Jesus Storybook Bible.  There were several parts that resonated with me and this one part in particular brought me to tears. 

"Well, Jesus did many miracles like this.  Things people thought couldn't happen, that weren't natural.  But it was the most natural thing in all the world.  It was what God had been doing from the beginning, of course.  Taking nothing and making it everything.  Taking emptiness and filling it up. Taking the darkness and making it light."

This weekend I got the opportunity to take all the boys to the orphanage while Mark was preparing for the interior screening/dental mission.  When  I told them that they would be going with me there was a bit of whining, but then Jacob said the most awesome thing.  "Mommy, wouldn't it be great if when we got there they told us that all of the children had found mommies and daddies?"  I responded, "that would be a miracle!"  Jacob replied, "That is what I am going to ask God to do."  It didn't happen, but instead of being disappointed Jacob said, "Maybe next week!"

  Impossible prayers frighten me.  Honestly, I very seldom pray them.  I am so acutely aware that that sometimes God's answer is "NO".  I don't like to hear "NO" because I know what "NO" feels like.  It feels like my still beating heart is being ripped out of my chest.   It feels like I am plummeting into a never ending pit.  I struggle to remember that the whole time I am being held by a loving Saviour.  I want to pray for the impossible.  I want to ask God to heal all the sick, give homes to all the orphans, to feed all the hungry...the list goes on and on.  I believe in a God who can do all these things, but I also know that we live in a fallen world and until Jesus Christ returns these prayers will not be answered "YES" for everyone.  This breaks my heart.  So for now I will continue to pray that God's will to be done, that people will respond to His call, and I hold fast to the knowledge that He knows what is in my heart.

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