This year I (Gretchen) added a new part time job to my week. I really felt like God was asking me to spend time with patients on the ward.
Truthfully, this made me a bit nervous. I was so blessed by my experiences at Lazare's Orphanage in Guinea and I was worried that I would have difficulty showing the same love to the patients because I was worried that it would be difficult to look at them. We serve a gracious and loving Father. My first English student was Alphonse. Before meeting him for the first time I prayed a heartfelt prayer that I would be able to see him with our Father's eyes and that he would see Christ in me. This is Alphonse.
When I met him all I could do was smile. We have a gracious and loving Father. His face was wrapped in a bandage, his smile was beautiful, and his spirit was infectious. I have been meeting with Alphonse and our time as been spent laughing and learning. I can't remember what day his bandages came off because all I see is Alphonse, a beautiful son of God. I am so blessed that God gave me time to see Alphonse with His eyes. When I meet a new patient I am no longer worried. I know God is with me and will help me see.
This is another of my sweet students.
I am teaching Alistera to read and write. She is teaching me to giggle. Every time I see her she has a new sticker on her bandage and her hugs are amazing. She is beautiful!
I am so blessed to have the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with these amazing people.